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Dairy Cow Articles

Ciaran Black – The EU Green Deal and the Push for Sustainable Ag

The European Union Green Deal is an ambitious plan to help Europe become the first carbon-neutral continent by the year 2050. Ciaran Black, an independent strategy and innovation consultant, discusses how farmers are adapting to eliminate…

Jack Bobo – How the Food Supply Chain Changed in 2020

Five months ago, we spoke with Jack Bobo, CEO and founder of Futurity, about the rapidly changing food supply chain and what trends he believed would influence the future of food production and consumer habits. We recently spoke to Jack…

Valerie Duttlinger – Empowering Employees for Top Farm Performance

How do the top farms achieve and maintain exceptional performance? Valerie Duttlinger, chief analytics officer at Summit SmartFarms, explains how a positive workplace culture that focuses on the people and processes on the farm can lead to…
